•"Zoom and Be" is a great game for two in which you play as two
characters named Zoom and B. The big one is called Zoom and the little one is
B. Together they have to wander through the labyrinths of a huge laboratory
and look for a way out. The story began with two ordinary guys calmly walking
on the street and riding bicycles. How suddenly a black van drove up to them
and the evil guys kidnapped them, and then took them to the laboratory. There
they started testing the guys and injected them with some kind of virus to
test it. As a result, the guys turned into greenish zombies, but their
strength and capabilities have increased. Now they want to escape this
terrible place, but it will not be easy to do so. They are asking for your
•„Zoom and Be“ je odlična igra za dvoje u kojoj igrate kao dva lika po
imenu Zoom i B. Veliki se zove Zoom, a mali B. Zajedno moraju da lutaju kroz
lavirinte ogromne laboratorije i gledaju za izlaz. Priča je počela tako što su
dva obična momka mirno šetali ulicom i vozili bicikle. Kako je odjednom do njih
dovezao crni kombi i zli su ih oteli, a zatim odveli u laboratoriju. Tamo su
počeli da testiraju momke i ubrizgali im neku vrstu virusa da ga testiraju. Kao
rezultat toga, momci su se pretvorili u zelenkaste zombije, ali su se njihova
snaga i sposobnosti povećale. Sada žele da pobegnu sa ovog užasnog mesta, ali to
neće biti lako. Oni traže vašu pomoć!