Incredible Monster Truck Race

 ᐈ Ako ste jedan od onih koji više vole da povećaju nivo adrenalina u krvi do maksimalnih vrednosti učešćem u trkama za volanom moćnih kamiona, onda treba da obratite pažnju na igru. To će vam omogućiti da postanete vozač takvog vozila i pokušate da otete pobedu od profesionalaca.
 Neverovatno kul trka na moćnim kamionima čudovišta trajaće 56 nivoa. Od njih, samo prvi se otključava na početku igre. To je najlakše, a ako uspete da ga prođete, možete da pređete na novu turneju koja će biti malo teža. Po sličnom principu, kretaćete se između svih nivoa igre dok ne dođete do poslednjeg. U garaži se nalaze različiti modeli moćnih automobila, od kojih su mnogi dostupni u zamenu za određenu količinu zlatnika. Zaradite ih pobedom u trkama. Pripremite se za činjenicu da je ograničeno vreme dodeljeno za prevazilaženje staze na svakom od nivoa. Možete pratiti tajmer u gornjem levom uglu ekrana. Ispod njega su dostupne informacije i količina novčića koju imate. Da biste kontrolisali vozilo, pritisnite željene strelice na tastaturi.

ᐈ If you are one of those who prefer to increase the level of adrenaline in the blood to the maximum values ??by participating in races behind the wheel of powerful trucks, then you should pay attention to the game. It will allow you to become the driver of such a vehicle and try to snatch victory from the professionals.

 Incredibly cool race on powerful monster trucks will last for 56 levels. Of these, only the very first is unlocked at the start of the game. It is the easiest one, and if you manage to get through it, you can move on to a new tour that will be a little more difficult. By a similar principle, you will move between all game levels until you get to the last one. The garage contains various models of powerful cars, many of which are available in exchange for a certain amount of gold coins. Earn them by winning races. Get ready for the fact that a limited time is allotted to overcome the track in each of the levels. You can follow the timer in the upper left of the screen. Under it, information is available and the amount of coins you have. To control the vehicle, press the desired arrows on the keyboard.

Incredible Monster Truck Race


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