ᐈ The goal of the game is to connect pairs of identical tiles.? ? You need to have time to clear the entire field of how the time runs out.⏰ Connect more distant tiles to get more stars.⭐ For a certain number of stars, a reward is given - a chest.? Over time, new beautiful tiles are unlocked and level configurations become more complicated.?
ᐈ Cilj igre je povezati parove identičnih pločica.? ? Morate imati vremena da očistite celo polje kako vreme ističe.⏰ Povežite udaljenije pločice da biste dobili više zvezdica.⭐ Za određeni broj zvezdica se daje nagrada - sanduk.? Vremenom se nove lepe pločice otključavaju i konfiguracije nivoa postaju komplikovanije.?