Popularna igra Angri Birds je generisala mnogo klonova i kopija sličnih igara, smešnih arkadnih igara, u kojima, kao iu prvoj igri, dolaze dve različite vrste životinja zajedno u žestokoj borbi. Ovog puta, glavni junaci novog "rata" biće, kao što već razumete, ptice koje žive na farmi i njihovi protivnici, uzimajući hranu za svinje. Osim toga, svinje su odlučile da za sebe urede zasebnu kućicu na imanju i za to su koristile daske iz pačjih gnezda, što je moglo samo da naljuti stanovnike perjem sa farme. Od pokradenih dasaka izgrađene su svinjarice, ne jake kao kamena farma i daleko od tople. Sada će svinje morati da plate, jer nećemo dozvoliti gradnju kuća od pokradenog građevinskog materijala.
The popular game Angry Birds has generated a lot of clones and copies of similar games, funny arcade games, in which, as in the first game, come with two different species of animals together in a fierce battle. This time, the main heroes of the new "war" will be, as you already understand, the birds that live on the farm and their opponents, taking the pig's food. In addition, the pigs decided to arrange a separate house on the farm for themselves and for this they used planks from duck nests, which could only anger the inhabitants with feathers from the farm. From the stolen planks were built pig houses, not as strong as a stone farm and far from warm. Now the pigs will have to pay, because we will not allow the construction of houses from stolen building materials.
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